DORA Metrics

Track reliability, reduce costs and unblock teams.
Whether you use GitHub Actions, GitLab Pipelines, CircleCI, Buildkite or even Jenkins, Logilica’s live radar helps you to stay on top of all your builds in one single place. Manage delivery risks, identify bottlenecks, and improve reliability in a remote-first world. Build for platform teams of today.
Reduce Delivery Risk
Do you understand your build and deployment frequency? Do you know how different builds compare? How do build failures impact your velocity? Get transparency out-of-the-box to set direction and focus.

CI/CD Pipeline Observability
Track your overall reliability and identify your critical CI pipelines. See which pipeline has the most impact on delays and is holding the teams back. Drill down from overviews into details to analyze and fix your bottlenecks.
Observe Pipelines Across Providers
Quickly track your main delivery flow metrics. Compare across CI/CD pipelines, build providers such as GitHub Actions, CircleCI or Buildkite and see how you trend over time. Identify flakey test and monitor improvements.

Measure. Focus. Fix.

Stay on top of all pipeline stages.
See all build risks, identify pipeline stage failures, and reliability issues. Filter by branches, duration limits or team sizes. Stay on top of delivery health issues before it is too late. Healthy builds, means happy teams.
Build Your Own Cockpit
Logilica DataStudioTM
Get full access to the Logilica data analytics platform driving all insights. Query all data, define your own metrics and create custom charts and dashboards. Contact our sales team for more information.