Join us at PlatformCon 2024 for Defining Platform ROIs

Join us at PlatformCon 2024

With 150+ speakers, and 30,000 people attending virtually, PlatformCon 2024 is the world’s largest platform engineering event. Logilica is delighted for the invitation to share their experience in measuring ROI for platform teams.

Learning about Defining ROI for Platform Teams

We explain how to measure the success of your platform engineering activities by aligning your goals with your business goals and how to capture success metrics for continuing support and buy-in.

Quantifying the impact of DevOps and platform engineering on an organization is notoriously hard. This is particularly true when such a practice is not yet matured, or the organization is undergoing transformation. At PlatformCon 2024, we present several strategies on how to explain the platform engineering value by aligning it with business initiatives and goals. As an added consequence, we highlight its value-creating function rather than being a mere cost center. We give several concrete examples and metrics beyond DORA/SPACE that can be used to measure ROI and demonstrate impact.

Where to Join?

The top DevOps and platform engineering leaders will meet on one virtual stage, for 5 days (10 - 14 June, 2024). The best thing, it’s free and you can join at


Do you like to learn more about measuring ROIs for platform engineering or do you have questions for our team? Just contact us and we make sure our speaker or the right person gets back to you personally. No spammy sales call :)

Ralf Huuck
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