Out-of-the-box Humanitec Support
We are happy to announce our latest addition of out-of-the-box analytics support for software lifecycle DevOps tools: Welcome to the Humanitec Insights connector!
Humanitec is the Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that does the heavy lifting of Role-based access control (RBAC), Infrastructure Orchestration, Configuration Management and more. Humanitec's API platform enables everyone to self-serve infrastructure and operate apps independently. This solves the problem of not reinventing the wheel of corporate deployment infrastructure development, while keeping the API-driven flexibility of enterprise needs.
The Logilica engineering management platform has already been supporting development and deployment teams with out-of-the-box insights across a range of software lifecycle stage. For instance, Logilica connects to planning tools such as Jira and repositories like GitHub and GitLab to give engineering managers immediate live insights into the health and productivity of their engineering organisation. Engineering leaders use Logilica for staying on top of remote teams' activities, identifying development and delivery bottlenecks, and optimising their internal productivity value stream from inception to delivery.

We now support Humanitec's IDP as a first class connector for all our enterprise customers. This means, you get out-of-the box status tracking of deployments, apps, and environments. On top of this we provide DORA metrics directly from your IDP and make it much easier to stay on top of your deployment performance.
Key insights, such as the team’s velocity and their DORA metrics or their flow metrics, help to track the team’s idea-to-shipping performance. Faster iterations mean higher agility and ideally higher customer satisfaction. Logilica provides the telematics to get Formula One-like tuning of your engineering processes.

Besides DORA metrics, Logilica tracks information around deployments types and environments, application states and much more. Logilica integrates with custom API metrics and can be tailored for enterprise needs. Speak to one of our team members to learn how we can solve your deployment visibility problem.

To learn more: join our Webinar here. In this webinar we discuss how to establish such telematics based on existing lifecycle data, such as Git metadata, Jira tickets and Internal Developer Platform (IDP) logs. Ralf will show how to automatically identify bottlenecks, track risks and avoid delays. Together with Humanitec’s lead QA engineer Nils, he’ll give a number of examples on how to build a holistic delivery platform.
- Key concepts of data-driven engineering
- How to define the right metrics and how to track them in an end-to-end platform setup
- Hands-on experience in establishing a data-driven delivery cockpit
To learn more about the value of flow metrics for your organisation speak to one of our friendly team members, who can walk you through the Logilica platform to see if we are a good match for you.
Don't miss the next article.